Separate pyblish process from "Host" processes

Hi @jamalm,

I’ve taken a closer look and fixed the initial problems you were having with this commit, so you could pull that and the splash and signal handler are taken care of.

I also spotted why it crashed, at least on my end, which is a conflicting use of argparse in the Python running in Maya with the one running QML. You can address this by tailoring your os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] which is what QML is getting once booted up. It’s safe to change this after Maya start-up as it is only used once to create sys.path and then not used (at least not by Python itself). I’d recommend you put only Pyblish Base and QML on it.

However I ran into another issue which I am unable to resolve quickly…

Starting pyblish-qml
Done, don't forget to call `show()`
Entering state: "hidden"
Entering state: "ready"
Entering state: "clean"
Entering state: "alive"
  ContextLabel = Maya
  WindowTitle = Pyblish (Maya)
  WindowSize = [430, 600]
  HeartbeatInterval = 60
  HiddenSections = ['Collect']
  WindowPosition = [100, 100]
Qt: Dead lock detected while activating a BlockingQueuedConnection: Sender is TmainThreadScriptExecutor(0x22218911d20), receiver is TmainThreadScriptExecutor(0x22218911d20)

You can debug the crash by running this line-by-line from mayapy.

>>> from maya import standalone, cmds
>>> standalone.initialize()
>>> import pyblish_qml

You should be seeing the GUI at that point, but it will remain frozen… Do have a look and let me know if any of that makes sense to you!

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Hi @marcus,

I’ve managed to get to the stage where you are at, turned out there was something wrong with my python interpreter, i changed it up and it’s launching the GUI. but as you said, the window appears and it is frozen, i dont get that last line on my interpreter’s output though[quote=“marcus, post:21, topic:422”]
Qt: Dead lock detected while activating a BlockingQueuedConnection: Sender is TmainThreadScriptExecutor(0x22218911d20), receiver is TmainThreadScriptExecutor(0x22218911d20)

It’s progress nonetheless!