Folder Structure Resolver

For reference, you can also change the default placeholder regex per Template by passing a custom default_placeholder_expression parameter into the constructor.

So, here I am as well, in the arena .

Ade tries to solve the filesystem management problem using templates, rather than strings (strings are generated from the template folder by the end). It does also provide two commands : create, which will create all the needed folder on disk (file template included, let say for envs) , and parse, so you can do something like : ade parse /foo/projects/smurf/foo/bar and it will return {‘project’: ‘smurf’, ‘sequence’:‘foo’, ‘shot’:‘bar’}

example for create:

example for parse:

As martin said, it also handle permissions, some more informations can be found here :

we are using this tool on daily basis for all our clients, and so far has been proven quite robust and flexible.
Let me know if you have any question !

Here some example of api usage :


I haven’t had much experience with Lucidity yet, is it also able to parse paths?

Yes. Lucidity both parses and formats paths, though it doesn’t parse a full schema into its own configuration file. As I understood that is what Ade is capable of?

Had a quick look at Ade but couldn’t get a quick grip it with the documentation. Hopefully I can find some time soon to have another look at it to get a feeling of the differences.

I’ll have a look at Ade too. It looks very interesting, however as you said, the docs are a bit confusing after a quick glance.

@lorenzo_angeli Does the permission aspect of Ade work on Windows?

Hey , permissions under windows are not supported at the moment, and you are right, the docs are not really great, I need to improve it (quite a lot).

If there’s any question, though, feel free to ask here or drop me an email at

@lorenzo_angeli I’m struggling to get a bird-eye view on Ade. Would it be possible to share a typical 1-2-3 usage scenario of Ade? How do you typically go from “I need a templating engine” to “This template works well”?


  1. Identify the types of assets in a pipeline
  2. Make a template per type
    2a. Define root
    2b. Make salad
    2c. Celebrate