A question about running through the Pyblish Stages one by one.
I have looked at this page.
context = pyblish.util.collect()
I expected that the collect would obviously run the collection and return the instances, which it does, but also that when I then pass the instances/context through to the validate it wouldn’t then run the collect again?
But it seems it does, I have a print in my collecting plugin and it prints both at collect and validate stages. Is this correct? What is it using the context for?
Side note:
I think I’m trying to produce something similar to what Mattias from Ftrack is producing.
I want to control the various stages. 1st user chooses a publish preset. The preset then runs the filtered collect plugins. A second custom ui specific to the preset and the collected data is displayed to the user. Then it goes onto validate the collected instances. Displays validation warnings, and gives user chance to continue or back out. Then carries on with the normal extract and integrate phases.