I’m trying to get a bird’s eye view of how everything Pyblish work together and then to figure out the gist of it all so I can start approaching the basics here at our studio - for starters, just publish an asset/model to a specific location and have a loader be aware of it (a loader like in pyblish-starter which of course is up to me to program my own fancy one.)
If I understand it all correctly it basically works like this:
Pyblish is the primary API.
Pyblish-base (which includes a lot of other DCCs but I"m mainly interested in Pyblish-maya) is the “middle-man” between Maya and the primary Pyblish API
Pyblish-starter is an example pipeline to show on a basic level how Pyblish works.
Initially I thought that you just needed Pyblish and Pyblish-maya and that you expand Pyblish-maya to do what you need to happen during the publishing of an asset. Now I’m starting to think that on our server we will have Pyblish, Pyblish_maya, and then Pyblish_enter_custom_pipeline_name_here.
To my understanding, for the most part, the plugins (like sublime packages) are were most of the work gets done.
1.) This is how you deal with the type of asset
2.) The contents of the file and the things to check for before making it public
3.) the location it will be shared
Please correct me if I’m wrong. As I said, for starters I literally just want to figure out how to tailor things so that I can define where assets are stored and versioned up as they are published.
Lastly, while setting everything up on my home machine for practice I saw that if you use pip to bring in Pyblish, pyblish-base (which bring in pyblish for nuke, houdini, maya etc) the Pyblish interface in Maya looks different to what I had working on my work computer. I presume that if you use your python-qt5 that will be the case and that the former setup would simply use the “lite” interface by default?
About schema, I’m not sure I understand that correctly. Is this where you define, in those JSON files, how assets related to each other and the folder structure?
I will continue experimenting, but I just wanted to hear from you how these different packages relate to each other. Perhaps I’m completely wrong and you literally fork Pyblish and expand that one repo without the need for anything else.