Big merge

Hi all,

Just to let you know there’s change coming. :slight_smile:

I’m working on better integrating Pyblish Lite into the Pyblish ecosystem by extracting Pyblish QML from any integration, making it optional alonside Lite.

What this means is smaller packages in general and more freedom in terms of customising things.

These projects will be affected.

The Change

In short, once all is said and done, you’ll be able to do this.

import pyblish.api

import pyblish_maya
# Pyblish QML appears, if installed..
# otherwise, Lite appears as a fallback

And you may build your own GUI, expose a .show() function from your Python package, and register that. Either as a fallback, or primary GUI.

Keep an eye on the PRs, and do take a moment to glance through their updated READMEs for details. And let me know what you think.

Bye bye pyblish-rpc

pyblish-rpc was made in conjuction with pyblish-qml in an effort to provide a uniform interprocess communication interface to Pyblish that many GUIs could speak with to provide graphics from any number of libraries or programming languages. It’s a language agnostic endpoint, capable of communicating both locally and remotely.

Now, a year later, pyblish-qml is still the only inhabitant and as such it is being married to the project in order to simplify it as a whole and cut down on the number of steps required to get setup with it.

Using pyblish-qml is now only a matter of showing it; remote communication can happen transparently in the background, and versions of the two will never conflict or become out of date.

import pyblish_qml

This aligns with pyblish-lite, and future graphical user interfaces.

import pyblish_lite
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This is done!

Some projects have yet to see an update.

  • pyblish-modo
  • pyblish-tray

Will update here when complete. Tray will likely become part of QML, something along these lines.

$ python -m pyblish_qml --with-tray

Maybe even as a default behavior.

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