Medic in pyblish. 22 reusable plugins for Maya mesh validation

starting a thread to discuss medic.
it was briefly mentioned in the thread CGWorld Event with Pyblish

medic is a mesh validation/authoring tool similar to pyblish.
the readme on the repo is quite good.

the author also made a wrapper for pyblish

not sure yet how the architecture and workflow works.
seems each check doesn’t run on an instance but on a collection of instances
(in this case all)
i wonder if this could be changed to set the collection to the family and show individual instances?

also curious about making a UI wrapper to run pyblish checks in medic, since the UI is nice.
It’d be cool if you could use it together with pyblish by register_gui(‘medic’)

link to medic page on highend3d:

features worth bringing to pyblish

  • support for c++ dlls
  • you can rerun a individual check
  • easy overview of failed nodes
  • pick which nodes to fix in UI instead of fix all failed nodes with pyblish actions
  • the whole GUI?
  • atm pyblish doesnt support “pipeline configs” out of the box
    the closest i can think of is smart use of target / families.
    currently i handle this by registering different plugins based on your workflow, depending which menu button you click in maya.
    it would be great if we can support pipeline configs that do this, similar to the Karte system.

pic of the medic GUI for reference

medic architecture:

to register plugins

import medicToPyblish

you can’t use


i’ve had pyblish hang once, but that might be because i also was using the medic GUI at the same time. they both interact with the same medic.pluginManager() so i might have done something that wouldn’t happen if you just use medic for pyblish.

the GUI is super smooth to use, validation runs fast and fixes work well, and lot’s of control.

it seems tightly integrated with the medic plugin / karte system. i wonder if we can “extract” the tests and fixes to work on instances instead of Kartes. (a single instance, which represents a collection of instances).

architecture exploration

logic and GUI seem tightly integrated. not sure if you can run it headless.
docs for API

it seems medic uses a custom class to pass nodes. Node
We can get MObject, name of node, MDagPath , MFnDependencyNode,MFnDagNode etc from this node.
so we can convert it to pynode or cmds longnames.
let’s see if we can get access to a list of nodes for every Karte, so we can make instances per node.

i believe the nodes are saved in the visitor instance.
however i’ve decided to not move forward with medic for now. the lack of doc and combination of C with python slows development

and it doesn’t match with my goal of a shared library / package manager, since it requires building a different package for each version of maya.
ideally we have 1 python plugin that works in all mayas (or all dccs)

let’s take it as an inspiration for future pyblish features